What am I?

A little bit of fun here for any birdwatchers, can you work out what the 4 birds are that I have sketched??

Guess the birds

Guess the birds from the sketch

Each bird has a number, just write a comment, list numbers 1 to 4 and what bird (example: 1. Chicken, 2. Turkey etc…)

It’s just for fun so write away!

Sketches – quick and slow..

Been basically trying to get a grasp on drawing birds, both quick and slow, learning shapes, postures, positions etc..

Sketch of Common Pochard

Bean Goose, I feel the body is a bit short but other than that I like it.

A Green Sandpiper - from photo

I’m going to start drawing up waders ready for Spring, I had trouble last year picking off the waders, even from my photos. Hope to change that this year.